Category Archive: Informational

How Furniture Acoustics Are Changing How We Live

In the constantly evolving world of interior design, the combination of form and function has become essential to have effective sound control in a multitude of spaces. A new solution that provides the benefits of sound control while being equally functional for your space is furniture acoustics. Beyond the aesthetic appeal of furniture, there lies a crucial consideration that often goes unnoticed, which is the impact of acoustic design on the overall ambiance of a space. As our living and working environments become increasingly open and dynamic, the need to address acoustical challenges has become more pronounced than ever.

This article will discuss the basics of furniture acoustics, unraveling the science behind its functionality, and exploring the many different solutions available. From the living room to the office, the acoustics of our surroundings play a pivotal role in shaping our experiences. Understanding how furniture can contribute to a functional auditory environment not only adds a layer of sophistication to design, but also enhances the overall comfort and functionality of a space.

What are Furniture Acoustics?

Furniture acoustics is a specialized branch of interior design that focuses on optimizing the sound environment within a space through the strategic integration of furniture elements. Beyond the conventional role of furniture as decorative or functional pieces, these acoustic solutions are engineered to absorb, diffuse, or redirect sound waves, mitigating issues such as noise, echoes, and reverberation. The effectiveness of furniture acoustics lies in its ability to strike a delicate balance between aesthetics and functionality. By seamlessly incorporating acoustic features into furniture design, spaces can achieve a harmonious auditory atmosphere while maintaining a visually appealing and cohesive aesthetic. Whether in residential, commercial, or communal settings, furniture acoustics address the challenges posed by modern architectural trends, creating environments where comfort and style work together to enhance the overall quality of the acoustic experience.

Benefits of Furniture Acoustics

Furniture acoustics offer a multitude of benefits that extend beyond mere sound management, contributing significantly to the overall well-being and functionality of interior spaces. One primary advantage lies in the creation of a more conducive environment for communication. In open-plan offices, collaborative workspaces, or residential areas, excess noise can impede effective communication and productivity. Thoughtfully designed acoustic furniture helps to minimize disruptions, allowing individuals to concentrate on their tasks without the constant intrusion of ambient noise.

Furniture acoustics play a pivotal role in enhancing privacy within shared spaces. By incorporating sound-absorbing materials like polyester felt into furniture pieces, such as sofas, partitions, or room dividers, these solutions create zones where confidential conversations can occur without fear of eavesdropping. This feature proves invaluable in offices, where confidentiality is preferred, or in open living spaces where family members may seek private moments amidst shared environments.

Beyond its functional advantages, furniture acoustics also contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of a space. Acoustic elements integrated into furniture design provide an opportunity to merge form and function, offering a visually pleasing solution to sound-related challenges. These solutions can be customized to complement the existing decor, allowing for a cohesive and stylish integration within diverse design schemes.

Furthermore, the health and well-being of occupants are positively influenced by effective furniture acoustics. Reduction of excessive noise levels can contribute to stress reduction, improved concentration, and better overall mental health. As our living and working spaces continue to evolve, the benefits of furniture acoustics position it as an integral aspect of contemporary design, enriching our environments with both auditory comfort and aesthetic sophistication.

What options are available?

Furniture acoustics encompasses a diverse array of solutions, each tailored to address specific sound-related challenges in various environments. One common type of acoustic furniture is sound-absorbing seating, which integrates materials like polyester felt or fabric designed to absorb and dampen sound waves. These seating solutions are particularly effective in spaces where conversations or meetings occur, such as offices or living rooms, promoting clear communication while minimizing noise disruptions.

Room dividers and partitions represent another category of acoustic furniture, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes. These pieces are engineered with sound-absorbing materials to create visual and acoustic separation within open spaces, fostering a sense of privacy and concentration. In offices, they facilitate the division of workstations without compromising the benefits of a collaborative environment, while in homes, they offer flexible solutions for defining separate areas within shared living spaces.

Acoustic panels and wall-mounted treatments represent versatile options for enhancing sound control. These panels, often crafted from fabric-wrapped materials or perforated wood, can be strategically placed on walls to absorb and diffuse sound reflections, reducing echo and improving overall room acoustics. They are particularly effective in large, open spaces like conference rooms, auditoriums, or residential areas with high ceilings.

Innovative designs also explore the integration of sound-absorbing materials directly into furniture pieces like cabinets, shelves, and bookcases. These multifunctional solutions not only contribute to the reduction of ambient noise but also provide additional storage and display options. This integration seamlessly combines practicality with acoustic efficiency, allowing for the creation of functional and aesthetically pleasing environments.

One of acoustic furniture’s biggest benefits

The benefits of these diverse furniture acoustic solutions are manifold. They include improved speech intelligibility, enhanced concentration, increased privacy, and the creation of visually appealing spaces. However, there is one overarching benefit to acoustic furniture that often gets overlooked: durability and low maintenance requirements.

Durability and Easy Maintenance

Unlike traditional soundproofing methods that may degrade or require frequent replacements, acoustic furniture solutions often boast a longevity that significantly surpasses other alternatives. The high-quality materials commonly used in acoustic furniture, such as acoustic felt, foam, fabric, or sound-absorbing panels, are chosen for their resilience and longevity. These materials are engineered to withstand the test of time, maintaining their acoustic properties and structural integrity even under prolonged exposure to environmental factors.

For example, at Bouckaert Industrial Textiles, we manufacture non-woven polyester felt, and use recycled materials to create long-lasting acoustic solutions. Our felt is precisely engineered to deliver superior sound absorption while remaining visually attractive. Bouckaert offers a wide range of colors, thicknesses, and fire safety certifications to suit the needs of any project.

Minimal upkeep is another compelling feature of acoustic furniture. The maintenance requirements are typically straightforward and involve routine cleaning to remove dust or dirt particles that may accumulate over time. Many acoustic materials are designed to be stain-resistant and easy to clean, requiring only periodic attention to uphold their aesthetic appeal and acoustic effectiveness. This ease of maintenance translates to less time and effort spent on caring for these pieces, allowing occupants to enjoy the benefits of improved acoustics without the burden of extensive upkeep.


By incorporating thoughtful furniture acoustic solutions, you can cultivate a more comfortable, productive, and aesthetically pleasing environment. Whether you’re designing a modern office space, a relaxing living room, or any space in between, acoustic furniture offers a practical and stylish way to achieve optimal sound control. Bouckaert, a trusted supplier of high-quality acoustic felt, can be a valuable partner in transforming your space with both function and beauty.

How Felt Filtration Plays a Part in Garbage Incineration

We all know that our waste goes into landfills, but there are many important parts of the process that you may not know. While discussions about sustainability and waste reduction frequently revolve around recycling and composting, felt filtration for garbage incineration often remains overlooked. This process plays a vital role in modern waste management by capturing harmful pollutants from incinerator emissions, promoting a cleaner and more environmentally friendly approach. Even though it is often forgotten, garbage incinerator filtration greatly prevents negative environmental effects.

Garbage incinerator filtration concerns a term called Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). MSW refers to the solid waste generated by households, commercial establishments, institutions, and other non-industrial sources within a community. This type of waste can range from glass to textiles, to food scraps. Municipal solid waste poses a significant environmental threat for various reasons. When deposited in landfills, it undergoes decomposition and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Decomposing waste also contains harmful chemicals that can contaminate soil and water sources, posing risks to ecosystems and human health. Improperly managed solid waste also leads to habitat destruction and wildlife endangerment, as landfills encroach upon natural areas. Fortunately, technologies like felt filtration for garbage incineration can help address many of these negative environmental impacts.

Garbage incineration, a method employed in waste management, involves the combustion of MSW to reduce its volume and control environmental hazards associated with landfills. While incineration offers several benefits such as volume reduction, energy recovery, and decreased reliance on landfills, it also presents challenges in terms of emissions and air pollution control. For more information on how and why incinerators are beneficial check out Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration with Energy Recovery.

Garbage incinerators produce various pollutants during combustion, including particulate matter, heavy metals, acidic gases, and organic compounds. To lower the environmental impact of these emissions, effective filtration systems are essential, which is where incinerator filtration comes in. Garbage incinerator filtration is the process of removing harmful substances from the exhaust gases produced during incineration, which helps prevent harmful effects during the process.

The filtration process typically involves multiple stages designed to capture different pollutants. Particulate matter, for instance, is often removed using mechanisms such as “electrostatic precipitators” or fabric filters, which trap solid particles as the exhaust gases pass through.

Garbage incinerators come in various forms, each tailored to meet specific waste management needs and operational requirements. These different types of incinerators offer diverse approaches to waste combustion, energy recovery, and emission control, reflecting the versatility and adaptability of waste-to-energy technology. Here are some of the most common types of garbage incinerators:

Mass Burn Incinerators

Mass-burn incinerators are among the simplest and most common types of waste-to-energy facilities. They combust mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) without prior sorting or preprocessing, reducing the volume of waste and generating heat or electricity. Mass burn incinerators typically utilize a furnace with a grate system to support and ignite the waste, followed by combustion chambers and boiler systems for energy recovery.

Modular Incinerators

Modular incinerators are compact, prefabricated units designed for decentralized waste management applications. These modular systems offer flexibility and scalability, making them suitable for small communities, remote areas, or specialized waste streams. Modular incinerators can be easily transported and installed, providing a convenient solution for on-site waste treatment and energy generation.

Fluidized Bed Incinerators

A fluidized bed incinerator is a type of waste management facility used for the combustion of solid waste materials. In this incineration process, solid waste is burned in a bed of inert material, such as sand or ash, suspended by a stream of air or gas. The airflow through the bed creates a fluid-like motion of the particles, hence the term “fluidized bed.”

The key feature of fluidized bed incinerators is their ability to maintain a uniform temperature and efficient combustion due to the intimate contact between the waste particles and the oxygen-rich air or gas. This ensures thorough burning of the waste materials, minimizing the formation of harmful by-products such as dioxins and furans.

Fluidized bed incinerators are known for their flexibility in handling various types of waste, including hazardous and medical waste, as well as biomass and sewage sludge. They are often preferred for their high combustion efficiency and low emissions of pollutants, making them a relatively environmentally friendly option compared to traditional incineration technologies.

The Role of Felt Filtration in Fluidized Bed Incineration

A felt filtration material can be highly useful in a fluidized bed incinerator for capturing particulate matter and other solid pollutants from the exhaust gases produced during combustion. (Best Practices for Fabric Filter Operation and Maintenance for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Facilities)

Here’s how felt filtration material can be beneficial in this context:

High Efficiency Filtration

Felt filtration materials, typically made from synthetic fibers like polyester or polypropylene, offer a high surface area and intricate network of fibers. This structure enables them to effectively capture fine particulate matter, ash, and other solid contaminants present in the flue gas stream generated by the incineration process.

Resistance to High Temperatures

Fluidized bed incinerators operate at elevated temperatures to ensure efficient combustion of waste materials. Felt filtration materials are designed to withstand high temperatures, making them suitable for use in such environments without compromising their filtration efficiency or integrity.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Felt filtration materials can be tailored to specific filtration requirements by adjusting parameters such as fiber density, thickness, and surface treatment. This flexibility allows for customization to optimize filtration performance and meet the needs of different incineration processes and waste compositions.

Ease of Maintenance

Felt filtration materials are generally durable and resistant to abrasion, prolonging their service life in demanding applications like fluidized bed incinerators. Also, they are easy to clean and maintain, contributing to the efficiency and reliability of the filtration system.


Compared to some alternative filtration materials, felt filtration materials often offer a cost-effective solution for capturing particulate matter in fluidized bed incinerators. Their durability, efficiency, and ease of maintenance make them a practical choice for long-term use in waste management facilities.

When dealing with garbage incineration, the role of filtration materials like felt is extremely important. Felt filtration materials offer a high-efficiency solution for capturing particulate matter and solid pollutants from the exhaust gases generated during combustion. Their temperature resistance, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness make them indispensable components of fluidized bed incinerators and other waste-to-energy facilities.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of sourcing filtration materials from reputable manufacturers. Choosing the right manufacturer ensures the quality, reliability, and performance of the felt used in incinerators. By partnering with experienced manufacturers who adhere to stringent quality standards, waste management facilities can optimize their filtration systems, minimize downtime, and enhance environmental compliance.

In essence, the selection of filtration materials like felt is a critical aspect of maximizing the efficiency and sustainability of garbage incineration processes. By investing in quality filtration solutions and partnering with trusted manufacturers, we can harness the full potential of garbage incineration as a cornerstone of modern waste management practices.

Bouckaert Industrial Textiles is here to help you engineer the best product to meet your needs. If you would like to know how BIT can provide you with high-quality felt for your filtration needs, get in touch today!

How to Absorb Sound In A Room with Acoustic Panels

Restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels; we leave the comfort of our homes to indulge in these spaces.

COVID-19 restrictions have eased and the long-desired opportunity to frequent our forgotten social lives is now present. Properly designed noise control measures in your public spaces can make a difference between a returning customer and a bad Yelp review in these post pandemic times.

Sound: A Health Risk

We cannot escape noise.  Our daily lives are inundated with a variety of sounds from the landscapers outside our homes to the swirling conversations surrounding us at the bar.

The most serious potential risks to our health are:

  • hearing loss
  • hearing impairment
  • tinnitus

But the most pervasive effects trigger issues with our physiological health.

Fact: Sound levels above 85 dB are considered harmful. Exposure to sound levels at or above 120 dB can cause immediate damage.

Sound disrupts our sleep, concentration, heightens our stressors by releasing cortisol, elevates blood pressure and heart rate…

And, to put it simply, too much sound is annoying. We don’t see noise or feel it, so we write off issues as non-noise induced. But for the average guest, noisy spaces make for uncomfortable environments.

Why So Noisy?

The number one complaint when dining out is poor service. The second is noise.

So when did the hospitality industry become so noisy? And why?

The trending upward levels of noise may have started in the mid-1990s with well known chef Mario Batali when he began playing the music in the kitchen and dining area. Now it has become commonplace to amp up the volume to create a “buzz” that draws people in.

It has also become a tactic for quicker turnaround. Research has shown that restaurant and bar owners use excessive levels of noise because it pushes patrons to eat faster thereby leaving sooner.

All five of our senses influence our perceived reality of not only places, but the food and drinks we consume. But further scientific research has shown evidence that noise interferes with our sense of taste. Because noise is a distractive nuisance, it becomes easy to mess with the senses.

Other purposeful choices in décor amplify noise. Modern design trends are the greatest conductors of sound. Gone are the days of plush booths and tablecloths; elements of style that helped dampen noisy spaces. Substituted with glass tables and bare floors, sound now bounces around freely with little absorption opportunities.

Where to Look for Acoustic Problems

To understand sound, it is good to know the basics of how sound travels.

Sound is vibrational energy. There is direct sound which travels directly from the source to the receiving end (for example, you and your partner talking over breakfast in your apartment). And then there is reflected sound. Reflected sound is direct sound bouncing off walls, floors and other mediums. The reflected sound is what gives us reverberations or echo. And why sound becomes exasperated in most spaces.

Think of a disco ball except with loud music, kitchen sounds, employees working, and the rolling conversations all overlap and bounce off one another making for, “Say that again” and “I can’t hear you” staple quotes of the night.

Sound treatment can be expensive. Hiring acoustic engineers and sound consultants can drive up the price. And altering your already designed interior can create issues for an already established institution.

There are simple ways to addressing noise issues without mind blowing renovations. First, taking inventory of intentional noise practices (as we mentioned, loud music) coupled with the décor of your space will help you pinpoint where sound is amplified.

Keep in mind the materials in your space (hard materials like steel or glass are non-absorbing) and the landscape of your interior. A cheap alternative to testing for room acoustics is a simple clap test. In your space, clap your hands together and wait to hear for the initial “slap” followed by its echo. The longer the sound continues, the more reverberation time your room holds. It’s an easy way to hear for where your acoustical problems lie.

Balancing Noise Levels with Acoustic Treatment

Thankfully, acousticissues in your space are not a unique problem. And most acoustic insulation solutions do not have to take away from the defined aesthetic of your brand.

The addition of acoustic panels improves sound quality by reducing the amount of reflected sound. Materials like PET (recycled polyester) absorb sound waves, dampening the sound by transferring the vibrational energy into kinetic energy, or heat. And they come in a variety of forms. Placing your acoustic panels accordingly (and relative to your space and its dimensions), you can effectively mitigate noise.

What Types of Acoustic Panels are Best for You?

Sound is the main issue. Turning off the music won’t change sound traveling. To find the right acoustic treatment, you need to take these things in to consideration:

  • Dimensions of your space (high ceilings, etc.)
  • Furniture materials, flooring, windows, doors
  • Noise absorbing material and “dead” space

Keep in mind the tone of your space. Acoustic panels do not have to dull the vibe; with so many options and designs, you can enhance without compromise.

Here are some acoustic solutions that can fit in to your space.

Acoustic Panels and Art

Acoustic panels can be any size and shape, placed in a variety of configurations at designated reflections points. In this scenario, less can be more, enhancing walls with modern visuals.

Acoustic panels can also double as artwork. Stock photos or custom images can be printed onto any size panel to give you a piece of artwork that works as your sound dampening tool. And in our post-COVID world, you can utilize acoustic panels as custom dividers (movable or fixed) for designated areas that will buffer sound and maintain safety regulations. They can also act like booths without the bulky nature.

Ceiling Baffles and Clouds

To better your bar and restaurant guests’ experience, hanging acoustic solutions can mitigate noise in a non-conspicuous manner. Or conspicuous: they are perfect examples of how to create artistic focal points in your space. Depending on shape and size, they are effective at tuning out unwanted noise in greater ranges of angles.

Plus, they can double as lighting fixtures, creating a two for one in your space’s décor.

Absorbent Furniture

One product, multiple functions. Sound absorbing furniture works well for physical comfort and sound buffering. In modern and sleek establishments, complimenting stark lines with plush furniture in lobby and rest areas soften trending contemporary styles and invite your patron so stay.

You Don’t Need to Reinvent the Wheel for Sound Management

Rendering your space acoustically “healthy” for patrons (and employees) can be easy without re-designing.

At BIT, we manufacture our Poly-Sonic Acoustic panel line to meet any acoustical need. Our panels are 100% polyester, free of any fiberglass or VOC, and customizable for all specialized products. From rolled good to hanging baffles, our partially recycled acoustic panels create top quality finished products.

Is Fiberglass Insulation Safe for Your Company?

Fiberglass is the most commonly used insulative material in the world. And its popularity is no fluke. Fiberglass is inexpensive, energy-efficient, and relatively safe in fires. But research has shed some light on the possible dangers of fiberglass and many people are beginning to ask, “Is fiberglass insulation safe to use?”

Is fiberglass insulation safe?

In short, fiberglass is safe to use in most situations. There are countless government agencies devoted to making sure that all of the materials used in building homes and offices are safe.

However, there are some precautions to keep in mind when working with fiberglass. But before we dive into those, let’s learn about the beginnings of fiberglass insulation.

History of Fiberglass Insulation

Glass fibers have been produced in various ways for hundreds of years. But it wasn’t until 1932 when Games Slayter discovered that blowing air at molten glass produced fine glass fibers.

Inventor of fiberglass insulation

This method was refined by Owens Corning in 1935 and mass production began shortly after. Owens Corning is still one of the world’s largest manufacturers of fiberglass insulation to this day.

Fiberglass soon became one of the best and most reliable forms of insulation. Its inexpensive uses in both residential and commercial settings made it a popular choice among homebuilders and construction companies.

In 1965, the U.S. passed a law requiring all new homes to be built with insulation. This new requirement, in addition to the phasing out of asbestos, pushed the popularity of fiberglass insulation even further.

Today, fiberglass is the most popular choice for insulation. A 2018 survey showed that 71% of builders prefer fiberglass insulation over alternatives such as spray foam, cellulose, and wool.

Ways of Manufacturing Fiberglass

Games Slayter’s original method of manufacturing fiberglass through the use of heat and blowing air is still used today. But other methods have been created since then.

Fiberglass manufacturing process

One of the most widely used forms of fiberglass manufacturing involves heating glass until it is molten and then forcing it through super fine holes. This method has proven to be a safer and more consistent process than Slayter’s original process.

Once the glass has been made into various lengths of fiber, different resins may be added to increase its strength.

Applications of fiberglass vary widely but include common items such as swimming pools, car parts, and even surfboards!

Is Fiberglass Insulation Safe?

The discussions regarding fiberglass insulation’s safety began in the late 1960s when Dr. Mearl F. Stanton of the National Cancer Institute began studying the health effects of fiberglass.

His research showed that certain sizes of fiberglass were found to be carcinogenic to rats. This finding indicated that similar effects would be applicable to humans.

However, more recent studies have shown that there are no carcinogens in the fiberglass itself but rather in the binders used in the production process. And Dr. Stanton’s research is considered to be outdated.

But it’s important to keep in mind that because a material is safe to be used in the right conditions, this does not mean it is completely harmless.

Fiberglass is a material known to be completely safe at rest. So, walking around a manufacturing plant with exposed fiberglass insulation rolls or an office with visible fiberglass panels would be perfectly acceptable.

Dangers of fiberglass insulation

The dangers of fiberglass insulation arise when the material is disturbed. The movement of fiberglass will disperse tiny glass particles into the air which have been shown to irritate the skin and lungs if inhaled.

Precautions For Working with Fiberglass

When working with fiberglass, it is important to wear the appropriate safety gear:

  • Long Sleeves and Pants: Fiberglass particles can cause irritation to any exposed skin that it comes in contact with. Long sleeves, pants, socks, and close-toed shoes will decrease the points of contact.
  • Gloves: It goes without saying that if you need to wear long sleeves to protect against fiberglass, then you should absolutely cover the part of your skin coming in direct contact with the insulation itself.
  • Sealed Goggles: Your eyes are a very sensitive part of your body and it’s important to keep microscopic glass fibers out of them! But ensure that the goggles being used are sealed to the face, otherwise, micro sized pieces of glass can still find their way into your eyes.
  • Mask: Probably the most important piece of protection against fiberglass particles is a dust-proof mask. While fiberglass is shown to be relatively harmless in short periods, long-term exposure to fiberglass without a mask can cause significant damage to the lungs. A mask should be worn at all times when working with fiberglass insulation.

It should be pointed out that fiberglass has not been labeled as an extremely harmful material by the U.S. or any other government. But this does not mean that precautions don’t need to be taken.

Think of it like this, a broken glass window is anything but safe. Sharp glass fragments can cause large cuts to those who don’t take the necessary precautions. But you don’t need to call a hazardous waste team to clean up broken glass. All you need are gloves, a broom, and some common sense.

Working with fiberglass insulation is very similar. Can it be harmful? Yes. But if you ensure that the necessary safety measures are taken then you will be perfectly fine.

Fiberglass insulation manufacturing

Should Fiberglass Be Contained?

In most cases, fiberglass insulation is going to be contained behind sheetrock walls or between floors. But some types of insulation are designed to be out in the open and this has the chance to cause harm.

As stated above, fiberglass insulation is completely harmless when at rest. It is only when fiberglass is disturbed that it becomes potentially harmful.

This should be considered if you plan to keep fiberglass out in the open.

For example, acoustic insulation panels are frequently made out of a fiberglass blend. These panels can be hung from ceilings, placed on walls, or even be used as desk dividers. This places visitors at risk if they try to touch the panels.

Fiberglass insulation material

But direct contact isn’t all that’s needed to cause harm. Fiberglass insulation placed near an A/C or fan can be disturbed by the airflow and release dangerous glass particles and chemical binders (such as formaldehyde) into the air.

So, just remember to be cautious if using fiberglass in an open environment. If you are not certain that the placement of fiberglass insulation is safe, then be sure to contact a professional for a second opinion.

Alternatives to Fiberglass

Fiberglass is likely to be the first choice with many builders. But, if the potentially negative effects outweigh the benefits, then there are many alternatives available on the market.


Cellulose is a type of insulation made from recycled materials such as newspapers and cardboard. It is a great alternative to fiberglass.

One of the drawbacks of cellulose is its struggle to wick away moisture. If cellulose insulation gets wet, then you run the risk of mold and mildew growing before it can fully dry.

Another downside is that cellulose is not naturally fireproof. And the chemicals used to make it fireproof can be rather unpleasant to work with.


Wool can be a great alternative to fiberglass because of its natural insulation properties, ability to wick away moisture, and resistance to fire.

Wool alternative to fiberglass

One of wool’s other benefits is that it will keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Homes with wool insulation see a decrease in their heating bill.

However, be prepared to pay a premium for wool compared to its synthetic competitors.


In the case of soundproofing insulation, polyester is a great alternative to fiberglass blends. Polyester is completely harmless in all situations, even when in direct contact, and its soundproofing capabilities are able to compete with those of fiberglass.

Our Work with Fiberglass and Alternatives

Our company, Bouckaert Industrial Textiles, has been manufacturing industrial felts since 1988. And one of the main fibers used in these industrial felts is fiberglass.

However, in 2010 we noticed the trend towards companies looking for a safer alternative to fiberglass and so we began researching alternatives.

Our research showed that polyester was one of the best, most affordable, and safest alternatives to fiberglass. Polyester also offers further flexibility in regard to aesthetics like color and molded shapes that are more pleasing to today’s modern interior designers. Today, our line of Poly-Sonic acoustic felt panels are made out of 100% polyester.

While we do still manufacture fiberglass in cases where there is no viable alternative, we have taken large steps towards ensuring our manufacturing process is absent of the dangerous chemical binders which make fiberglass so unsafe.

For companies interested in abating sound in their commercial or industrial spaces, consider using our line of 100% polyester acoustic panels.

What Is Custom Manufacturing? Is It Right for Your Company?

Most consumers think of manufacturing as nothing more than a long line of automated machines creating thousands of copies of the same product every day. We can thank the TV show How It’s Made for this assumption. But what is custom manufacturing?

In reality, manufacturing companies come in many different shapes and sizes.

What is custom manufacturing?

In many cases, companies are looking for more than just a copy-and-paste product. Their needs may not be met by any mass-produced product currently on the market. Or they are looking to get an edge over competitors through a new and unique product.

This is why custom manufacturers exist. One of the main purposes of a custom manufacturer is to create a product specifically designed for each customer. We should know because we have been a custom manufacturer of nonwoven felt fabric for more than 30 years!

What Does Custom Manufacturing Mean?

Custom manufacturing is the process of designing, engineering, and manufacturing products with unique specifications for each customer. The size of orders can vary from small, one-off batches to large, mass-production runs.

The main difference between mass-produced products and custom-manufactured products is that with a custom manufacturer, you can expect to work with them through every step of the process.

This will usually begin with a meeting to discuss your needs and requirements. If they believe that your needs are within their abilities, then the design process can start.

Depending on the complexity of the product, the design phase can take between a few hours or a few months. But this step is crucial to making sure that the testing phase flows smoothly.

Designing custom product for manufacturing

Once you are satisfied with the design and specifications of the proposed product, then single-batch production and testing can begin. This stage will most likely include multiple rounds to ensure that the finished product meets your needs.

Upon approval of a single product, larger batches can begin to be produced. At this point, the process will be similar to that of an off-the-shelf manufacturing company because they will have pinpointed the best way to manufacture your product.

Advantages of Custom Manufacturing

Exact Specifications

Off-the-shelf product manufacturers will often give you a variety of options. Their offerings are usually based on research into their industry’s needs. This model works well for the majority of buyers, but it leaves out a significant number of people who need slightly altered specifications for a specific reason like performance or price.

Custom felt on the wall.

Custom manufacturers will ensure that your needs are met in terms of design, dimensions, performance, price, or any other specifications.

If you require a product that cannot be purchased from any other seller currently on the market, then you may be in the right position to start searching for a custom manufacturer.

Unique Product

A common issue companies run into is finding three or four different products that each satisfy 75% of their needs.

For example, Product A will meet all of the specifications, but it is too expensive. Product B will be suitably priced, but it is missing an important specification. And Product C will meet all specifications and pricing requirements, but the distributors aren’t reliable enough and you have heard poor things from colleagues who have worked with them.

Working with a custom manufacturer can solve each of these issues by bringing the best aspects of each product into a new, unique product specifically for your business.

Lower Cost

Many people hear about a custom product and immediately think, “Wow, that must be expensive.” But when it comes to custom manufacturing, this is usually not true.

One of the main goals of a custom manufacturer is to meet all the customer’s requirements and this includes price.

If you go to a custom manufacturer and tell them that everything on the market is above your budget, then they are going to work with you to design a product that you can afford.

For example, a customer approached us back in 2012 with a problem: they were buying an off-the-shelf product from one of our competitors but it wasn’t exactly what they needed and the price was too high. We began a round of research and development to help them solve this issue.

Soon, we had developed a product that met every one of their specifications.

But, it came in at 17% more expensive than the off-the-shelf product. However, because the product was developed to fit their exact needs, they were able to reduce the labor involved in modifying the previous off-the-shelf product. This reduction in labor ended up saving the company 8% per yard compared to the old product.

Today, that company has increased their stock value by more than 16x since we began working with them. And it’s safe to say that our ability to help them cut costs and reduce margins was a factor in their growth.

Work Directly with Engineers

Certain industries require more than a simple 3D model to create a product. Many customers want to know that your products follow legal guidelines and requirements such as:

  • Quality
  • Functionality
  • Usability
  • Reliability
  • Safety
  • Packaging

Working directly with engineers will ensure that your product is designed to pass certifications. This level of communication with engineers is only offered through custom manufacturers.

Disadvantages of Custom Manufacturing

Custom manufacturing has many benefits. But it’s important to consider the disadvantages of custom manufacturing as well.

Longer Lead Times

The main benefit of mass-produced products is that they are sitting in a warehouse ready to be shipped out. Custom products don’t offer this same luxury.

Depending on the type of product, you may need to wait weeks, months, or even years for a product to be fully designed, developed, manufactured, and ready for shipping.

It’s important to keep in mind the fact that unique products require a long-term commitment. While it may take longer to start receiving your products, you can be assured that the longer timeframe will be worth it in the end.

Higher Costs (But Not Always!)

Custom manufacturers don’t have the luxury of walking into the factory, turning on a machine, and watching the products start rolling out.
Custom products are often produced in smaller batches. These smaller quantities mean that, between batches, the machines have to be reset and cleaned.

Smaller order quantities also mean that manufacturers can’t buy materials in bulk with the guarantee that they will be used any time soon.
Some months, certain products will be produced that require a specific material. Other months, that same material won’t be used at all.

So, the cost of the manufacturer having to use the additional time to reset machines between batches, buy smaller quantities of raw materials, and spend more time on product design and development is often passed down to the customer.

However, keep in mind that custom products don’t always mean higher costs. In many cases, the product you’re searching for doesn’t even exist on the market so there is no real way to compare costs.

Another reason why higher costs may not be applicable is if your company requires very large quantities of products. One of the main reasons for a higher cost is smaller batches, so if you are looking to be supplied with millions of the same product over multiple years then you may end up paying the same amount or less when compared to an off-the-shelf product.

Considerable Communication

Being able to go to a manufacturer’s website, add something to your cart, pay for it, and have it shipped directly to you is a great advantage. This experience is much different than what you can expect from a custom manufacturer.

You need to expect extensive communication between you and the manufacturer if you want a product developed. This may include meetings, factory visits, product testing, note-taking, and more.

Asking a manufacturer questions.

Companies that cannot commit time to a potentially lengthy development process should consider using an off-the-shelf product.

Finding the Right Custom Manufacturer

What to Look For

Finding the right manufacturer to help you develop a new product can be tricky. But this shouldn’t scare you away.

Like working with any other business, it’s important to look around and compare your options. Depending on your industry, there may be 5 companies able to work with you or 500.

You should begin by gathering all your requirements before reaching out to potential manufacturers. This will save both parties time as you will be able to filter through company’s that cannot satisfy your needs before contacting them.

But, once you do begin to speak with companies and compare your options, you need to look out for the right signals. This can be done by asking a series of important questions.

Questions You Should Ask

Once you are in contact with a few companies that you believe could help you develop the right product, it’s important to ask the right questions.

Some basic questions include:

How long have you been in business?

This will tell you if they are a long-standing company you can trust.

How do you differentiate your company from others?

Find out what they do differently from the other companies you’re considering.

Have you manufactured products like what I’m looking for before?

While it’s likely that they haven’t manufactured your exact specifications before, you need to ensure that this is a space they’re comfortable in.

What does your custom design process look like?

Understanding the exact design process a company uses will help you to understand if working together will be an easy, beneficial process.

What issues do you see as a challenge to what we are hoping to achieve?

Many products will be smooth sailing from start to finish. But others will take difficulty if they are unlike anything currently on the market. You need to ensure the company is honest with you about the troubles that may arise with your project.

How long can I expect before production?

If you are in a time crunch, then this may be a very important factor to you. However, don’t let a long development time scare you away. It may be that they have a solid process in place for getting things right the first time.

What do your previous customers have to say?

Customer reviews are a great way to get feedback on what it is like working with a company. Keep an eye out for comments on customer service because it’s important that whichever company you choose is a pleasure to work with.

Can you send me a product you’ve manufactured before that is similar to what I’m looking for?

It’s always important to be able to get examples of previous work before deciding to work with someone. While they may talk the talk, receiving a product and being able to decide if it’s the quality you’re looking for is the only way to determine if they can walk the walk.

Questions They Should Ask

Asking the right questions is always important. But you should also expect to be asked important questions. If a manufacturer fails to ask you these questions, then that may raise a red flag:

What is the end goal of your product?

A good manufacturer will understand the different applications of their products. Finding out the end goal of your product may help them give you better recommendations.

What are the most important design aspects?

All design aspects are not equal. And they vary significantly between customers. So, a company must figure out what is important to you so that they can design a product accordingly.

What is your expected/required timeframe?

Manufacturers all work at different speeds depending on their process. They should be upfront and honest with you when estimating the time a project will take.


Whether you decide to work with a custom manufacturer or buy an off-the-shelf product, you need to make the decision that is best for your business. And, in many cases, the only option you have is to have a unique product developed for you.

It can be very daunting trying to choose the right manufacturer for your business. A wrong choice can potentially mean the loss of millions of dollars. So, take your time and weigh all your options.

Bouckaert Industrial Textiles has been a custom manufacturer of nonwoven felt fabric since 1988. And we have learned a lot over the years. But one of the main things we have discovered is that custom manufacturing is a people business. We are selling custom solutions to each customer. But more than that, we are selling the satisfaction of knowing your company has a unique product that will beat your competitors and help you position yourself as a leader in the industry.

Domestic vs. International Manufacturing: Which Is Better For Your Business?

domestic manufacturing

The American economy would not be what it is today without outsourced manufacturing. But is it essential to the health of our industries?


What was once a cost-effective solution is now facing problems. Emerging regulation standards, longer lead times, rising shipping costs, and quality control issues are plaguing the global manufacturing industry. Whether you work with domestic manufacturers or not, sourcing decisions should be backed by careful analysis to avoid costly repercussions. Here is why staying in America can alleviate most issues concerning supplier relationships.  

Keeping Manufacturing in America

made in america

Buying local is more than a transactional act of patriotism. And although the upfront cost may be higher, its best to remember that cheaper does not always mean better. In fact, according to a recent survey of manufactured goods buyers (given the current post-covid economy), over 83% of companies are looking to re-shore their supply chain within the next 3 to 6 months.


Here are the benefits of using a domestic manufacturer.


Higher Labor and Manufacturing Standards

Labor costs were the initial reason for the major trend in outsourcing that began in the later 1970s. Up until 2011, America witnessed millions of jobs move overseas to China. Today, we see a moving wage gap shrinkage between America and its foreign competitors every day (with global wages increasing by 20% year after year).


When addressing the issue of labor costs, you must consider the whole picture. High employee turnover associated with low labor wage costs typically results in low productivity. On paper, it looks mathematically sound to partner with an international manufacturer who makes a product for $4 an hour vs $20+ domestically. But the money saved will be tested by production rate issues associated with low labor costs. Not to mention the hassle of dealing with poor currency exchange rates.


In the United States, employers comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) enacted in 1938 as a federal guideline for reasonable working wages and conditions. As a business, protecting your brand by working with morally compliant manufacturers benefits your company’s reputation (and your conscience).


fair labor standards act

“On-shoring” is making an economic comeback with a newfound desire for locally sourced goods. At BIT, we carefully manufacture our industrial grade felt for industrial application according to SAE and ASTM mandated standards. We guarantee quality control, provide samples, and welcome plant visits (all facilitated by transparent communication without any time-zones to maneuver).

Supplier Relationship Opportunities              

Fostering a long-distance relationship with your manufacturer can be tricky; differing time zones and language barriers can lead to costly communication issues. Proximity to your supplier reaps the benefits of quick response times, so if there is an issue, it can be addressed with little to no repercussions. You also have the personal touch of meeting face to face with your supplier, giving you the firsthand opportunity to oversee the facility and operations.


Building a rapport with your manufacturer can lead to growing business opportunities. Recently, we were able to produce and color match our Poly-Sonic acoustic panel felt for our sound abatement customer located on the west coast. From a plant visit, their supply chain team witnessed our production line firsthand.  This key insight provided them with a new line of upholstered materials to match their current acoustic panel line.


Shorter Lead Times with Lower Shipping Costs

containers on boat for international shipping

More companies have begun “re-shoring” jobs in the past ten years due (in part) to unreliable international shipping costs. Less than 1% of goods travel by air to the United States. 99% of the rest of all goods arrive here by container. It can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for product arrival by boat. If shipping wasn’t costly enough, COVID had only exasperated prices with considerable surges in container freight rates at the height of the pandemic. Just as we believed business was normalizing, incidents like the Suez Canal in March prompted a new price surge re-emphasizing the uncontrollable nature of overseas shipping.  If that does not complicate things enough, extra add-ons to your overall cost include local tariffs, customs and duty taxes.

The cost of transporting goods from the point of sale ultimately adds up to time. Can you meet the demand of your customers with the given supply of your manufacturer within a proposed time-period? Unlike labor wage costs, quantifying international shipping can be tricky and lead to missed ship dates or, worse, missing inventory. There is little to no control over maritime trade. And without the proper regulations in place, it might as well be impossible to know when your shipment will arrive in adequate condition. Economic/geopolitical disruptions, competition with foreign markets, and weak currency further complicate getting your product to its end destination.

Domestic manufacturers can (potentially) bypass long lead times without the hassle of unwanted shipping costs, proving to be the most economical choice.

Tight Quality Control 

Most companies partake in low-cost country resourcing to take advantage of available and cheap resources. With the added bonus of a low wage cost. But cut-down on operational expenses is easily disrupted by supply chain mishaps and unforeseen foreign barriers (geographical and political). As those are issues out of your control, the lack of quality control on product specs and regulations is slowly becoming a dangerous risk.


Knowing what could go wrong before it goes wrong should be detailed in advance to then formulate quality processes and policies relevant to your company. Minimizing overhead costs is appealing but can result in lower-quality materials managed by inexperienced workers leaving you with a not-so-great product.

workers quality control

This is not to say that every overseas manufacturer is a poor-quality choice. In recent years, international manufacturers have elevated production to mimic the standards and expertise of western principles. But most companies still fall short of properly executed quality policies and plans. With little to no insight into the production’s facility, relying on foreign companies to regulate in the name of your brand is risky. Good questions to ask yourself before engaging in business with any manufacturer (domestic or not) are:

  1. Have they made this product before and under these regulations?
  2. Not only have they produced them, but can they produce in mass production?
  3. Are they able to ship to you on time?
  4. Do they allow company quality checks?


We have worked with a handful of customers who have received acoustic panels from Chinese manufacturers with failure to test the finished product. Acoustic panels must pass a surface flammability test, testing both surface flame spread and smoke development (expressed as Flame Spread Index and Smoke Developed Index). You can read about our acoustic panel line with relative technical documentation here on our website.


To recertify the proper testing, the company chose to re-test the acoustic panels in-house upon arrival. Unfortunately for these clients, the quality control tests they were promised were never met, leaving the supplier and buyer at loggerheads over quality. After 3 months and threatened legal action, the refund from the supplier could not make up for robbed time and potential of a ruined reputation.

Diminish Risk with a Domestic Manufacturer

Like anything in life, you get what you pay for. And what you pay for has everything to do with overall product quality; from the sourced raw materials to the expertise of employees to the operational standards of the factory.  


Localizing your choice of manufacturer places control back into your hands. And with a supply chain in sight, you can guarantee your company’s credibility all while promoting the local economy.


Interested in finding out if Bouckaert Industrial Textiles can help you re-shore your non-woven supply chain like we have so many others? Contact us today!

Bouckaert Industrial Textiles: How Our Sales Process Works

Video Transcript

Working with a custom manufacturer isn’t always easy.

That’s why Bouckaert Industrial Textiles strives to make our sales process easy for our customers.

On first contact, we make an effort to figure out your exact needs.

We discuss:

  • Specifications
  • Volume
  • Testing requirements
  • Desired outcome

And any other requirement you may have.

We document all of your requirements and communications so there is no confusion later in the process.

Our engineers offer their advice and help to ensure all of your needs are met.

A finished solution is presented along with a quote.

Upon approval, we produce and deliver a trial to ensure the product works as desired.

Full production begins once the trial product has been customer-tested.

Our sales process allows us to make the product right the first time, on time, all of the time.

Bouckaert Industrial Textiles is a US manufacturer of custom needle punch nonwoven felt fabric. Contact us today!

Why Polyester Felt is the Best Choice for Acoustic Insulation

In design, sound matters. The function of a space is not determined by its aesthetics only but also by the sounds it makes.

Decorative polyester felt panels

“Sound may be invisible or only unconsciously perceived, but that doesn’t make it any less an architectural material than wood, glass, concrete, stone or light.” – Michael Kimmelman.

Sound inextricably becomes attached to function. But because design begins first on paper, it isn’t until we inhabit a room that we determine how to relegate noise.

The growing popularity of decorative acoustic felt panel installation proves that balancing the acoustics of a space does not have to clash with its original design elements. Although it’s true one size does not fit all when it comes to acoustic treatment, polyester felt is proving to be the choice material for acoustic felt panels by the design industry.

What is PET?

PET recyclable plastics

Polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, is a thermoplastic polymer resin comprised of recycled transparent plastics. PET is frequently referred to as polyester in textile applications but retains its acronym PET regarding packaging, bottling, etc.

Polyester was first patented in the 1940s by Dupont chemists in Delaware, U.S.A, as a new textile fiber. It wasn’t until the 1970s that new technology made it possible to mold PET into bottles. Today, it is the number one recycled plastic worldwide.

PET is highly flexible in its natural state and therefore easily moldable for its end use depending upon how it is processed. Its applications as the number one recycled plastic range from food packaging and bottling to fabrics to thermoforming in manufacturing and automotive insulation.

The textile industry is a significant end-user of PET, making up about 60% of overall PET consumption.

What is Polyester Felt?

BIT Poly-Sonic Acoustic PET Felt panels

Polyester felt is made of recycled PET plastics, mostly water bottles or other single-use products. The recycled material is compressed and melted down until left with plastic flakes. The plastic bits are then remelted and extruded as fiber. This fiber is then used to produce rolls or sheets of PET textile material, similar in any felting process. It can contain anywhere from 0% to 100% recycled content. Not only is it sustainable, but it is fast becoming the premium choice for sound dampening performance in lieu of other traditional materials, like fiberglass.

Polyester felt’s lightweight durable nature (combined with an additional lower melting point ) create the ideal properties for acoustic felt panel design. Its capability to be easily cut, variety of color options, and limitless forms are making polyester acoustic panels part of the visual landscape in modern interior design.

Benefits of Using Polyester Felt in Acoustic Insulation

Polyester felt wall panels

When we design for sound, we are designing for experience. Before, implementing sound insulation into already existing spaces meant the only solution was to hang unattractive hanging baffles and deal with the eyesore.

Now, polyester felt delivers an appealing design in junction with high-functioning performance rates of acoustic insulation.

There is a symphony of reasons the design industry is choosing polyester felt over any other material; acoustically, environmentally, and aesthetically.

Excellent Acoustic Performance

While it is possible, it is challenging to include acoustic design into a space before it has been occupied. In most cases, sound is the last piece an architect will fit into the puzzle. Knowing how a room will be used and where the potential challenges will be for sound issues are essential pieces of the puzzle to negotiate when implementing acoustic solutions. The building layout may not be flexible, but the acoustic solutions can be.

Polyester acoustic felt soaks up ambient noise in a variety of forms. Do you need to mitigate noise in your office conference room? Consider hanging acoustic clouds strategically over spots where noise reflection is at its highest. Are your gym guests experiencing an overload of noise in a large open floor plan? Ceiling baffles would work best here, especially when dealing with higher ceilings.

Using polyester acoustic felt to your best advantage involves finding your key sources of noise and adopting different paneling styles to adapt to the parameters that will help aurally orient your space.

Appealing Function in Design

Polyester felt ceiling baffles

If, as Kimmerman claims, sound is as vital as wood is for building framing, how far can we take acoustic solutions? Structural possibilities with PET are far-reaching. Its flexible form can be bent, molded, and shaped to any design for an assortment of interior applications, including furniture and lighting fixtures. Designers can exercise creative freedom with a host of different color options and texture choices (dependent on manufacturing methods).

Felt itself is a nuanced fabric that works to your elemental design. You can play it safe and subtle, blending your acoustic felt panels into the background or creating statement pieces that accentuate your already developed design theme. Acoustic insulation can be as simple as under-carpeting or as intricate as 3D ceiling baffles.

Ultimately, polyester felt complements a space without compromising it.

The Sustainable Choice

Recyclable icon on phone

It is estimated that Americans alone throw away upwards of 35 billion plastic bottles a year. And subsequently, roughly 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans. But a major culprit of waste is the textile industry adding billions of pounds of waste to our landfills and depleting energy and water resources.

Reworking the end-use for so many single-use plastic products (and the proposed 95% of all textiles that do have the potential to be recycled), PET is the friendliest raw material in textile applications (among other industries) as well as the healthiest.

Polyester needle punch felt is manufactured without the demand for any chemical additives like glue or resin to bond the fibers. Furthermore, polyester felt does not give off VOCs or odors. This makes it safe for indoor use (able to meet building standards and certifications) while requiring fewer energy resources in the manufacturing process.

The amount of recycled content in PET material can vary from 0% to 100%, depending on the providing manufacturer’s specs and the customer’s desire for a “greener” source. It is not only recyclable at the end of its life but possibly reusable dependent on its modularity.

Designing for the Ears

Polyester felt decorative ceiling panels

The acoustic properties of a space have a significant impact on its residents. Managing unwanted noise by integrating acoustic solutions promotes your community’s overall wellness and health, whether it be at home or in your commercial office building.

In the acoustic design process, custom is the standard. Finding the best product for your project starts with making the quality choice of polyester felt. At BIT, we manufacture 100% polyester acoustic panels under our Poly-Sonic line. Each panel has a recycled content of at least 60% PET plastic and is made entirely in the US in our facilities.

Poly-Sonic acoustic felt provides fantastic sound quality that is available in any weight, thickness, or color necessary to meet your specialized products’ demands. We also provide rolled goods that can be molded into any form of acoustic panel solutions or used as a wrapping fabric for other soft-touch surfaces, so the design process is entirely yours.

PET felt hanging ceiling baffles


Acoustics should be a part of your building design, whether you choose to stay traditional or seek out artful installations. Contact us today to learn more about our Poly-Sonic line and how you can begin designing your space for both eyes and ears.





SAE Felt: What is it and how is it made?

What is SAE Industrial Felt?

various industrial felts

SAE industrial felt, or technical felt, is nonwoven wool felt used in technical applications. There are two methods of manufacturing industrial felt: wet felting or dry needle punch felting.

Technical felts are produced in a variety of thicknesses, densities, and compositions to meet a wide range of needs. The SAE, formerly known as the Society of Automotive Engineers, mandates the standards of measurements applied to nonwoven wool felts used in:

  • Gaskets
  • Dryer seals
  • Pads
  • Washers
  • Vibration Cushioning
  • Dust Shields
  • Acoustic Panels

At Bouckaert, we custom manufacture our SAE industrial felt using the needle punch method. Before discussing the differences between manufacturing methods, here are the characteristics of SAE felts and nonwoven wool felts in general.

Characteristics of Industrial Wool Felt

raw wool felt

Felt is a versatile fabric explicitly engineered for high-pressure applications in specialized industries. With the natural benefits of using wool fiber (click here for our previous post on wool felt usages), here are some of the advantages to using industrial wool felt:

  • Maintains its physical properties as it wears
  • Highly absorbent and moisture-wicking (will seal out lubricants and oil)
  • Sound and vibration dampening
  • Does not ravel or fray
  • Resistant to wear and tear
  • Acts as a filtration system (gas and oil applications)
  • Excellent padding for moving parts in machinery
  • Natural fire-retardant propertiesEmployee examining white felt

Industrial applications such as these require high levels of aversion to abrasion, oil and grease absorption, and wear and tear. To ensure the best application results, SAE felts are classified by their density, wool content, and durability.

  • Density: Each grade of SAE felt ranges from hardest to most pliable, the main differing characteristic between felt grades. The thickness of pressed wool felt is controlled by the amount of pressure or needling applied during the manufacturing process. The denser the felt, the better it will retain its shape against the physical environment.
  • Wool content: Each grade of SAE felt is (usually) a combination of raw wool fibers and polyester fiber but additional materials such as cotton, rayon/viscose, synthetic, or plant fibers can be used instead. These “filler” materials are added to create a particular characteristic to the final product that can not be achieved by wool and/or polyester alone.
  • Durability: During the manufacturing process, the more pressure/needling applied (we will get into this in the next segment), the denser the felt will be. Durability relies, in part, on the amount of densification.

gray sound insulation felt

To note, the color of SAE industrial felts will vary. Since the wool used is natural and undyed, there is no way to control color consistency from lot to lot. There are also strict tolerance requirements based on wool content and density combined. The shape of wool can change naturally (depending on temperature) or manually (from cutting the material); density and wool content need to be adjusted to consider tolerance issues.

The Differences in Manufacturing

felt production team performing quality analysis

Wet Felting VS Dry Needle Punch Felting

All technical felts are produced under the same specs; the difference lies in the manufacturing process. Despite these “technical” differences, both processes in making SAE grade felt start the same way.

The wool fiber is first cleaned and blended with any additional synthetic materials before the carding process. The carding machine disentangles and mixes the fibers together to create a uniform web, aligning the individual fibers into a singular direction. Several of these webs are layered in alternating directions on a machine called a cross-lapper to build-up to the weight of the desired finished felt. This layered material will be much thicker (and less dense) than the finished product as it has not been densified yet. This material is referred to as a batt.

Wet Felting

wet pressed felt

The wet felting manufacturing process is known as the more “traditional” way of producing nonwoven felts. It uses heat, moisture, and pressure to mat and densify the fiber together.

The batts are wetted with hot water and fed into a plate hardener. The plate hardener applies vibrational pressure to the wetted material using rollers to help the fibers interlock together. The hot water, added acid, and pressure eventually cause the batts to shrink down in size, creating the densely matted fibers of a pressed felt.

The wet felt is left with a sulfuric acid residue that is then neutralized in tanks filled with sodium chloride (soda ash) and warm water solution. Once the felt is neutralized, it goes through a refulling machine to smooth out any irregularities on the surface. The felt must then be dried either in a dryer or oven or hung and stretched in a drying room.

Needle Punch Method (Dry Needle Felting)

New Needleloom for Nonwovens

Here at BIT, we manufacture our SAE grade felts using the needle punch method. Needle punched SAE felt is marked with an “N” for “needled in the official designation (example F-7N).  Here’s the difference in manufacturing:

As the name suggests, dry needle punch felting eliminates the use of moisture. Instead, the batts enter a needle loom; a precise machine that uses thousands of barbed needles mounted on a needle board to pierce the layered webs of fiber. The repeated punching of the needles entangles the fibers together to create the thick, dense felt.

Depending on the desired density, some needle punched SAE felts will then go through a heated press to further densify the material. Read more in-depth on the needle punch method here.

So Why Use Needle Punched Felt Vs A Pressed Felt for your SAE Needs?

The Pros and Cons of Needle Punched SAE Felt Vs Pressed SAE Felt

pros and cons of manufacturing methods


The use of chemicals in wet pressed felts gives the advantage of creating a smoother finish that allows the material to hold its shape better as it wears. The upside for needle punched felt is its economical and eco-friendly benefits; eliminating the use of harsh elements makes a cleaner production line that is more cost and time effective.

For exceptional sound insulation, needle punched felt is the go-to choice for acoustic paneling needs. But if there is one thing to remember when choosing between a wet felt or a needle punch felt, it is that both are produced under the same specs mandated by the SAE. The performance of needle punch felt is not compromised because of its manufacturing process.

Want to know how BIT can add value to your business by providing custom manufactured SAE grade industrial felts? Get in touch today!

How Acoustic Panels Can Save Employee Productivity

The Modern Office

open office plan

The modern office is not governed by a geometric design. Its architectural simplification breaks down the walls of cubicles to invite an open and airy work environment. This stimulates office culture and promotes personal interaction. The landscape may be pleasing but this minimalist approach to the office space comes with its issues.

It was believed that a breakdown of cubicles would lead to genuine social interaction and collaboration. However, a lack of privacy has shown the opposite with avoided face time and more digital communication. But it is not just the lack of privacy that is plummeting employee productivity.  An unwanted side effect of fewer walls, higher ceilings, and minimal furnishings is a whole lot of noise.

 Noise Pollution in the Office

noise pollution

Noise is not just an everyday nuisance we can brush off. It’s an irritation that can affect our health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), any noise above 65 decibels (dB) is considered noise pollution and anything exceeding 75 dB becomes harmful.

Unwanted noise in the workplace can come from all sources.

  • Noise from AC and heating units, kitchen spaces, keyboards, and fax machines are all inevitable culprits of noise. Exterior noises as well, traffic outside of the buildings and car noises, are all unaccounted for in an open space plan.
  • The open office lacks the fundamentals of proper space planning like involving full or partial enclosures, as mentioned before. The “all in this together” environment for employees is an easy way of meaning no matter what, you are always in direct earshot of someone’s phone conversation or your table mate clicking his pen every ten seconds.
  • The lack of visual privacy is also cause for problems in the workplace. Although not necessarily auditory, constant visual contact with your peers makes it even more challenging to avoid any unwanted noise from overhead conversations, meetings, etc.
  • Sound bounces off of hard surfaces. In open office spaces with little walls and plastic or glass furnishings, it’s easier for sound to travel. There is a much higher tendency of echo and sound reverb in this type of environment. It creates a fluctuation in noise that can make everyday activities much more challenging to focus on.

Effects of Noise Pollution in the Office

Constant exposure to noise in the open office space is not healthy for intellectual focus and productivity nor is it good for our personal health.

woman stressed in office

  • Excessive levels of noise can cause stress by overstimulating the nervous system and consequently raising blood pressure and increasing heart rate. This also can lead to increased irritability as employees push to work through the noise.
  • With the range of noises overlapping in the workplace, attentional functions begin to deteriorate. There is even evidence to support that background noise can decrease cognitive functions like learning and memory.
  • Noise makes multitasking impossible. It becomes dangerously easy to fall off task with constant uninterrupted distractions. It will not just stunt work productivity but affect actual work performance.
  • When work performance suffers so does workplace motivation. Over 65% of people consider leaving their work due to noisy situations.
  • While headphones may seem like a simple solution, they can make things worse. Headphones are not the direct problem but the volume at which we listen and the duration of time we use them. Simply put, when sound waves reach your ears, your eardrum vibrates and sends those vibrations to the small bones of your inner ear. This travels on to your cochlea, a fluid-filled chamber that houses thousands of tiny hairs. The louder the sound, the louder the vibration of the cochlea and its hairy helpers. One can guess that over extended periods of time, the hair cells will become less sensitive. Headphones in the office may not cause permanent damage like being at a concert or working in a factory, but there is still a risk of causing hearing problems while masking the bigger issue in the workplace.

Redesigning Office Space with Acoustical Panels

How is it possible then to address the issue of noise in the workplace without compromising the integrity of an open office design? The solution: acoustic panels.

acoustic panel

Remember we stated before that noise travels; it reflects off surfaces and moves throughout the space creating overlaps and reflections of sounds. An acoustic panel is a sound-absorbing panel made from soft materials that reduce echo and reverberation helping to mitigate noise in a space. It limits sound travel and effectually clarifies sound, ultimately giving way to creating a more comfortable environment for an employee to work in.

 Acoustic Panels- Different Solutions in Different Forms

Acoustic absorbers can come in many forms and materials.

  • Nonwoven felts or woven fabrics (wool, cotton, etc.)
  • Polyester panels
  • Fiberglass panels wrapped with other fabrics
  • Cellulose-based materials wrapped with other fabrics


Style and Function

Controlling sound in the workplace does not have to sacrifice the style of the office layout. When determining how to achieve the best acoustic performance, consider these questions.

  • What is the room being used for?
  • What is the size/scope of the room?
  • What materials in the space are contributing to noise pollution? (glass, wood, plastic)
  • Office furnishings

wall with gray and white felt panels for acoustical insulation

Acoustic panel materials are available in different varieties of colors, shapes, and textures making them functional pieces of art (or even real art printed on an acoustic panel!). It can become a part of the company brand for its practical use that adds a personal and customizable touch through design. It’s always best to consult an acoustic consultant/architect to utilize sound absorbers to the best of your advantage and marry that with a great interior designer.

Where and How Acoustic Panels Can be Utilized In the Modern-Day Office

Acoustic Panel Dividers/ Wall Mounts

acoustic divider

Instead of reverting to the outdated life of cubicles, acoustic panels can be strategically placed to create quiet areas. Acoustic panels can also cover a larger surface area, like a wall, to get the biggest amount of area covered without encroaching in on the office space.

Acoustic Tiles

acoustic tiles

To the same effect, acoustic tiles can be used to cover an entire wall or portion of a wall in any fashion you see fit. Acoustic tiles are great for smaller spaces where the need to control noise is not as demanding as using an entire wall mount. They can be arranged in different patterns and styles, even creating subtle 3D effects on the walls. Decorative acoustic tiles can be subtle or enhance the design of your space by adding color and shape.

Acoustic Baffles

acoustic hanging baffles

Hanging acoustic baffles are great for treating larger spaces with higher ceilings. Baffles are typically installed in two or more directions and at varying depths to best capture sound in a space. They are also multifunctional and can be outfitted with lighting solutions.

Acoustic Clouds

acoustic cloud suspended

Acoustic clouds are suspended horizontally and come in a variety of sizes, styles, and shapes. These are best used to strategically place over areas to capture sound where it’s most needed.

Desk Dividers

acoustic desk divider


Acoustic workspace dividers provide privacy for a quiet personal workspace still engaged in an open work environment.  They can be mounted to desks or tables giving you infinite opportunities to customize the area as needed. And at a time like this, they are a perfect way of safely maintaining social distancing standards among employees in the office. Many desk dividers on the market are made of acrylic plastic (a clear or frosted material) that divides but only increases sound reflections. By using a felt polyester panel, you gain all the advantages of a physical divider with the extra benefit of acting as a sound absorber.

Office Privacy “Phone” Booth

acoustic privacy phone booth

A privacy “phone” booth can be assembled in any given area to give employees a designated space for focused work without any distraction from the outside. The acoustic properties reduce outside noise simultaneously keeping any conversation inside the phone booth for ultimate discretion. It’s a great opportunity for any employee to get away from the office without having to physically leave the office.

The Ultimate Benefits of Acoustic Panels

Noise is a global occupational hazard that does not have to go untreated.  Acoustic panels tick off all the boxes for reducing noise in an open office without cluttering the space. The benefits of acoustic panels

  • It creates a comfortable office space that employees will want to work in therefore upping employee performance and motivation.
  • Provide privacy for personal conversation and work without compromising the open office plan.
  • Reducing echo will take away sound interference that will better foster interpersonal communication and work without being distracted by other day-to-day office activities.
  • Avoid personal health-related issues like increased stress.
  • Take the opportunity to not only better the work-place environment but enhance the aesthetics of the space with decorative panels or baffles.


At Bouckaert Industrial Textiles, we are the leading supplier of nonwoven acoustical insulation materials including Poly-Sonic (our own brand of 100% polyester acoustic panels). We help acoustical consultants, interior designers, office managers, furniture companies and many others solve their acoustical issues.

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